Connected Learning

Jarrod Lamshed


About Bloody Time

It’s been awhile.

I started a new job this year and, to be honest, it’s been a little overwhelming. A big move for me, I’ve moved from full time classroom into a Senior Leader position that means I’m down to three classroom days and then two days in the office. It’s a whole new world. As anyone in a ‘split’ position will tell you, it’s like trying to cram two full time rolls into the space of one. There aren’t clear boundaries and duties from one roll overflow to the other. My organisation skills have had to improve quickly (not sure that this has transferred to the home front yet).

I had several conversations today with people who are feeling frazzled. We are in the frantic time that we call ‘term 3’ and things don’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon. People are tired and feel like they have a lot on the go. I agree with them. At one point this week I felt stuck. I was caught up in the enormity of the ‘to do’ list that I couldn’t focus and make a start. The feeling didn’t last long. Auto pilot kicked in and I started chipping away.

I don’t mean for this to sound like a whinge. I am really enjoying the my new role. I am working with a great team of people in a school where people are willing to give things a go. I finally feel like I’ve found my feet and when I remember to take a breath, I can see the progress that is being made.

Unfortunately, blogging has been something that has gone missing from my routine this year. It’s easy to use being busy as an excuse. In reality, letting this slide has been a mistake. I operate better, with a clearer head, when I am reflecting regularly. For me, blogging is a great way to do that.

So, with a renewed effort, here we go again.

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